

on the information of-翻译为中文

The server sends the price comparison result to the terminal based on the information of the price comparison pending commodity sent by the terminal.

INFORMATION in Traditional Chinese

Information is an uncountable noun meaning 'facts about someone or something'. It is often followed by about: … Idiom.

INFORMATION | English meaning

4 天前 — used to say that you are telling or giving someone something because they might not know or have it and it could be useful for them:.

Provide information "on", "of" or "about" something?

2013年10月23日 — This is a rather formal, official form. Normally you'd say important information or urgent information, but the of form is a well-accepted ...

What is the difference between "information on", " ...

2011年7月5日 — Information on something would be information that is really in-depth, and quite into details. i.e. A study on history, or A book on ...

information ofabouton something

2012年2月6日 — Hello! Tell me please which one preposition is needed information of/about/on something?

information on or information of?

2024年3月26日 — information on vs information of. Both 'information on' and 'information of' are correct, but they are used in different contexts.


資訊展示亭(一種供大眾使用的電腦系統,能與使用者進行互動,讓人獲取各種所需的資訊). Dr.eye 譯典通片語. information broker. ph. 資訊經紀人;資訊中介商;資訊 ...

"information of" 和"information on" 的差別在哪裡?

2017年6月17日 — I found some information about au-pair unintentionally last night. I'm interested in that, but I'... 안녕하세요! 제이름은만입니다. 제는베트남 ...


2021年1月9日 — What is the difference between information on, information about and information of? When are they interchangeable and when not?







筆記型電腦記憶體降價囉TT ^ TT

筆記型電腦記憶體降價囉TT ^ TT


Google文件 - 可以丟掉文書軟體囉^^

Google文件 - 可以丟掉文書軟體囉^^
